Correlating the "four brothers"...
Grandma said that there were four brothers, Henri, Carl, Eugene and Albert. We do not know if this is a true statement. Grandma told me that her information came from her oldest sister (Lucille - the oldest girl in the photo below). From the genealogy in the book, The Unknown Matisse, we do know that Henri Emile Benoit Matisse (painter) did not have a brother named Eugene. Uh Oh ... does that mean we are not related. Not necessarily... I will post on the "four henry's later"...
Here is a screeshot of what had on Olimpia (spelled with an 'i'). Interesting that they did not have any records on Olimpia when I requested an "exact match". What is that? A sexist artifact of history???? Need more digging there...
Interesting though that we do see an Albert Matisse ... also in New York and the timing is right (remember, correlate in space and time).
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